MEMO Fourth Grade – First Round


Please read the instructions below before you start:

  1. You have 120 minutes to finish the test.
  2. Write your answers in the spaces provided (the green box below the question).
  3. There is a total of 25 questions in this test. Each correctly answered question will be marked 4 points. No points shall be deducted for incorrect answers. If the participant answers all the questions correctly, the total is 100 points.
  4. A timer will run automatically when you start the test. When the time ends, you can no longer answer the questions. Your answers will be submitted automatically by system as they are.
  5. The duration of completing the test and accuracy of answering the questions determines the participants’ rank if points are the same.
  6. After the test, you must SUBMIT the answers by clicking the ‘FINISH TEST’ button at the lower part of the screen. Only submit if you have reached the last question and confident with your answers. The submit button is on the last question.
  7. You are NOT ALLOWED to use any calculating device during the test.
  8. You are NOT ALLOWED to open any other tab aside of the test platform.
  9. Any form of cheating is grounds for DISQUALIFICATION.

MEMO Fourth Grade – First Round

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